
    Community Participation

    Community participation can be loosely defined as the involvement of people in a commu- nity in projects to solve their own problems. People cannot be forced to ‘participate’ in projects which affect their lives but should be given the opportunity where possible. This is held to be a basic human right and a fundamental principle of democracy. Community participation is especially important in emergency sanitation programmes where people may be unaccustomed to their surroundings and new sanitation facilities.

    Community participation can take place during any of the following activities:
    Needs assessment – expressing opinions about desirable improvements, prioritising goals and negotiating with agencies
    Planning – formulating objectives, setting goals, criticising plans
    Mobilising – raising awareness in a community about needs, establishing or supporting organisational structures within the community.or informal training activities to enhance communica- tion, construction, maintenance and financial management skills
    Implementing – engaging in management activities; contributing directly to construc- tion, operation and maintenance with labour and materials; contributing cash towards costs, paying of services or membership fees of community organisations